CCO is approved by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to provide transcript maintenance and issuance services on behalf of Ontario’s career colleges and their students.
CCO is able to provide such services through its STEPS (Student Transcript Electronic Protection System) website.
The STEPS site, which was launched in September of 2007, has been custom built to provide easy and secure access for career colleges for the purpose of storing and retrieving student transcript data. This site will also provide former career college students with an easy and secure method of requesting copies of transcripts for at least 25 years following the end of their programs of study.
Career Colleges Ontario’s Financial Aid Office was first established in 1993 to respond to severe delays experienced by students and member colleges during the processing of student loans by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities’ Thunder Bay processing centre.
CCO’s FAO is entirely unique in the Career College sector, as it is the only one of its kind. It is the only Financial Aid Office with full online access to the Ministry’s OSAP processing system.
The CCO FAO staff maintain an excellent relationship and rapport with the Ministry.
The Financial Aid Office currently serves approximately 125 career college campuses within the private post-secondary sector.
CCO’s Financial Aid Administrators (FAAs) hold membership in the Ontario Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (OASFAA).
To register with our Financial Aid Office, contact Jodie Cole. We would be pleased to answer your questions.
CCO conducts several Financial Aid Administrator OSAP information sessions annually for OSAP designated colleges. The purpose is to provide new and existing Financial Aid Administrators with expert knowledge of OSAP processing procedures.
If you would like information, contact Jodie Cole or call 519-752-2124 Ext. 114.
National Association of Career Colleges (NACC)
CCO members gain automatic membership with NACC and access to
their benefits.
Continuing Education
CCO’s Online Training Centre