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Please check with the Financial Aid Office at the school you are attending to determine the school’s policy. The OSAP funds will be released 5 to 10 business days after you are confirmed by your school. If OSAP funds have not been received within this time frame, please follow up with your Financial Aid Office at the school you are attending or the National Student Loans Service Centre.
Follow up with National Student Loans Service Centre. If the restriction is prior to NSLSC becoming the service provider (your loans were held by a bank), you will need to request to speak with the Canada Student Loans Program.
Follow up with the Collections Management Unit. The Financial Aid Office at your school has the phone number for the Collections Management Unit. If your loan was sent to a collections agency, CMU will be able to advise you of which collection agency it has been sent to.
You can find this information on your OSAP application under required documentation.
You must take the MSFAA to a designated post office. If you are uncertain as to what Canada Post locations are designated, please check with the Financial Aid Office at the school you are attending.
Disbursement dates are set by the Ministry and cannot be altered.
If your child was born in Ontario, you can obtain a copy of your child’s birth certificate through Service Ontario. The birth certificate can be ordered online –
An affidavit is: A written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation administered by a commissioner of oaths or notary public.
Please contact your Financial Aid Office at the school you are attending as they will be able to assist you in locating a notary public, commissioner of oaths etc., within your geographical area.
In order to qualify as a student who has always resided in Ontario, you must have been born in Ontario. If you are a Protected Person, Permanent Resident, a naturalized Canadian citizen or a Canadian citizen from another province, your residency would not be ‘always Ontario’. Depending on your provincial status for OSAP purposes, you could be one of the following:
Students are required to maintain satisfactory academic progress for OSAP purposes. There are multiple reasons as to what may lead to a student being withdrawn from OSAP.
Some of the consequences of the decision to withdraw from full-time studies while receiving OSAP are:
This is an OSAP loan overpayment restriction. The OSAP system calculates an overpayment based on a number of things such as withdrawals or income verification, and you received more funding than what you were eligible for. The NSLSC will not have a record of this due to the fact that this is not generated within their systems.
You will, however, be required to provide proof of payments you have made to NSLSC towards your outstanding loan. This proof of payments could be a printout from your NSLSC online account or a statement from NSLSC that indicates the amount you have paid to date. You will be required to submit this to the Financial Aid Office at the school you are attending in order to have the loan overpayment reduced or removed.
Please contact your Financial Aid Office at the school you are attending for further details in regards to the overpayment and the appropriate documentation to submit.
Please contact your Financial Aid Office at the school you are attending and review your options with them. They have access to reviews that may be applicable to you and your situation.