CCO Meets with Ontario’s Minister Nolan Quinn to Discuss College Priorities
The CCO team was thrilled to meet with Ontario’s Minister of Colleges and Universities, Nolan Quinn, in October 2024, to discuss the priorities of our member colleges.
CCO builds relationships with government officials and attends government events to foster support for the career college sector
CCO meets regularly with the Minister of Colleges and Universities to seek resolutions to issues affecting the career college sector and career college students
CCO meets with senior officials from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities regularly to raise emerging issues of concern and provide feedback from the sector
CCO submits recommendations to the government on policy that impacts the career college sector and its students
CCO advocates on behalf of individual members where appropriate
Joining CCO gives career colleges access to services from both Career Colleges Ontario and the National Association of Career Colleges
Transcript storage service for private career colleges and their students at a reduced rate
Financial Aid Office for processing OSAP applications on behalf of its members and their students
CCO sponsors information and emergency meetings for the sector as needed
Access to updates and information to stay up to date on matters that impact your businesses
CCO organizes an annual provincial conference to provide opportunities for career college owners/managers/staff to network, attend information sessions, and participate in professional development sessions
Listed in CCO’s directory of members on its website and an online portal with resources for students
Access to discounted continuing education through our online training centre
CCO actively fields enquiries about the career college sector from potential students, students, parents, counselors, agencies, bureaucrats, MPPs, and the media
A network for career colleges to share information and best practices in relation to the successful delivery of relevant programs of study